NRM Crew

About this group

Welcome to the new NRM Crew email discussion group on GroupServer
You've been added to the NRM Crew e-mail group.

What's it all for?
The purpose of the group is to facilitate exchange of ideas, sharing of information/techniques and discussion of issues relating in particular to the management of natural systems by Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.

Posting messages
To send a message to the group simply send an e-mail to Only members of the group can post a message. Note that non-government people may also be members of this list, so don't post anything that is not in the public domain. Maximum attachment size is 21 MB.

Receiving messages
Messages sent to the group will appear in your inbox as per normal with the name of the person who sent it in the "From" section. You can recognise it as a message from NRM Crew as the subject line will be prefixed by [nrm-crew]. 'Reply to' will send a message to the whole group. Attachments appear as hyperlinks at the bottom of the email message - you may get a security warning about only accessing content that was delivered securely - click no.

If you no longer wish to be a member, or want to unsubscribe when you go on leave, you can do so by going through the following link: or send an email to with the subject of unsubscribe.
Re-subscribe at this link by clicking on the + Request button.

Any issues - just pop me an email.

NRM Crew Administrator

Harry Hines
Senior Conservation Officer
Ecological Services | Technical Services
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service
Phone: 07 3199 7504 Mobile: 0423 782 186
Email address:
Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation

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