Visit the Reset Password page and follow the instructions there to set a new password.
Clear the cache of your internet browser and then reset your password again. Microsoft has instructions for clearing the cache of Internet Explorer 6.
Go to your Profile, and click Change Email Settings page. On this page you can add or remove email addresses. To add an email address, type your email address into the 'Add Address' field and click the 'Add' button. To remove an email address, choose 'Remove Address' from the drop-down list under 'Change' next to that email address.
You can not delete a post or file but you can hide a post and the files associated with it. To hide post, visit the post on the web and click the "hide" button. Keep in mind that messages sent by email can not be withdrawn. The files that are linked to in the email version of a post that has been hidden will, however be hidden.
Your email account might be configured such that your outgoing messages are sent from an email address slightly different from the one at which you receive messages. If so, the system will not recognise your sent emails. If the rejected address mentioned in the email is not listed on your Change Email Settings page then you will need to add it: visit your profile, click Change Email Settings, and add the email address.
First, check that the message was sent to the Online Group. If it was, you will have received a copy of your own message. It will have a shortened version of the Online Group name in the subject line (e.g. [groupname]).
If you got the message and it is not in the Topics section of the Online Group on this website, please contact us.
If you did not receive the message, check to make sure the email address you sent it to was correct. Also check that the email address you sent the message from is registered to your profile. You can do this by visiting your profile, and clicking Change Email Settings.
If you will receive posts from all your Online Groups at your default address, unless you specify otherwise.
If your question is still unanswered, you can address it to